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The Karlovy Vary Region in a nutshell

The Karlovy Vary Region is situated in the west of the Czech Republic. To the north and west it creates a border with Germany, to the east it borders with the Ústí Region and to the south with the Plzeň Region. It spans over 3310 km2, which represents 4.2 % of the total area of the Czech Republic. 44.1 % of the Karlovy Vary Region area is covered with forest.

The Karlovy Vary Region on the map of Europe

Mapa kraje v rámci Evropy

Administrative division and geographic characteristics

Administrativní rozdělení

Geografická mapa Karlovarského kraje


People and area

Administrative district (ORP)Population (31 Dec. 2017)Area (km2)Population density (people/km2)
17 645 143,76 122,7
Cheb 49 944 496,81 100,5
Karlovy Vary 87 280 1 171,45 74,5
Kraslice 13 177 264,54 49,8
Mariánské Lázně 23 976 405,33 59,1
Ostrov 28 048 339,29 82,7
Sokolov 75 618 489,19 154,6
Karlovarský kraj 295 686 3 310,37 89,3

Source: Czech Statistical Office (CSO) in Karlovy Vary (


The largest cities

CityPopulation (31 Dec. 2017)
Karlovy Vary 48 776
Cheb 32 171
Sokolov 23 438
Ostrov 16 865
Chodov 13 547
Mariánské Lázně 12 970
13 245
Nejdek 7 791
Kraslice 6 802

Source: Basic data regarding various cities in the Karlovy Vary Region as of 31 December 2011, Czech Statistical Office in Karlovy Vary (

Characteristics of the administrative districts in the Karlovy Vary Region

Brief characteristics of the administrative districts of communities with extended powers (ORP) presented on the website of the Czech Statistical Office in Karlovy Vary – here.

Other statistical information about the region

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor