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Investment incentives in Czech Republic

Investors who locate their investments in the Czech Republic can obtain aid in the form of investment incentives. Czech and foreign legal entities and natural persons conducting business can apply for investment incentives. Only a legal entity with its registered office in the Czech Republic can be a recipient of investment incentives.

Supported Areas:

  • Industry - Introduction or expansion of production in sectors of the manufacturing industry
  • Technology centres - Construction or expansion of research and development centres
  • Business support services centres - Launch or expansion of the activities of:
    • shared-services centres
    • software-development centres
    • high-tech repair centres

The Investment Incentives Act stipulates for each activity conditions which must be fulfilled in order for the investor to apply for investment incentives. In the case of each activity, the conditions must be fulfi lled within three years from the date on which the investment incentives are granted (i.e. issuance of the decision to grant investment incentives).

For all types of activities, it further applies that the recipient shall not start work on the project (i.e. shall not acuire any assets including orders of machines and equipment and shall not commence construction works) prior to issuance of the confirmation of project registration by CzechInvest, and that the recipient shall retain the required assets and created jobs throughout the entire period of utilising state aid (at least for a period of fi ve years).


Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor