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Regional institutions
The Karlovy Vary Region and its government
Cities with extended powers and larger towns
- The Municipality of Karlovy Vary
- The Municipality of Cheb
- The Municipality of Sokolov
- The Municipality of Mariánské Lázně
- The Municipality of Aš
- The Municipality of Ostrov
- The Municipality of Chodov
- The Municipality of Kraslice
- The Municipality of Nejdek
Other institutions
Labor offices
Land registries
Revenue authorities
Local building authorities in the Karlovy Vary Region

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor