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CzechInvest in the Karlovy Vary Region
The regional office of the Investment and Business Development Agency CzechInvest:
- Provides information on CzechInvest services
- Provides consultations to companies’ representatives regarding available financial aid from EU structural funds that are arranged by CzechInvest
- Assists companies that intend to make investments in the region
- Cooperates with local authorities and local governments, schools and other regional institutions in searching for opportunities to develop the business environment in the region
Searching in the National Database of Brownfields
The National Database of Brownfields offers sites prepared to suit the plans of domestic and foreign investors. On one hand, the database helps to revitalise sites that have been used and then abandoned and, on the other hand, benefits investors by simplifying the work involving selection of the most suitable location for doing business in the Czech Republic.
Contact the regional office of CzechInvest
Contact information
Address: Jaltská 906/1, 360 01 Karlovy Vary
Tel.: +420 353 227 919, +420 353 227 921
Fax: +420 353 228 739
E-mail: karlovyvary@czechinvest.org
Web: http://www.czechinvest.org/en

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor