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People and the labor market in the Karlovy Vary Region
Basic characteristics of human resources in the Karlovy Vary Region
When compared to the rest of the Czech Republic the human resources in the Karlovy Vary Region are characterized with a relatively young population with a lower average education (which is mainly due to a lower number of graduates when compared to the national average numbers) and with a higher number of foreigners who live and work in the region.
There are several secondary schools that have been specializing, over decades, in traditional local industries and crafts that are often highly specific and typical of the Karlovy Vary Region. In addition to these educational institutions the region has recently witnessed the creation and ongoing development of many new, primarily college-type institutions that pursue both academic and educational goals. Even though the region belongs to the least populated Czech administrative units (However, there has been a long-term slight increase in the population growth rate .), its geographic situation and the newly built system of roads make this part of the Czech Republic an attractive venue for investments, business activities and living.
- unemployment in the Czech Republic
- unemployment rate in the Karlovy Vary Region
- number of the unemployed in relation to the Czech Republic
- number of the unemployed in relation to the Karlovy Vary Region
Population structure according to age and education
- Composition of population according to age and gender in the Karlovy Vary Region – statistics of CSO >>
- Education of the Karlovy Vary Region population – statistics of CSO >>
Structure of employees according to education
- People employed in national economy and employment in the Karlovy Vary Region according to age categories and education – statistics of CSO >>
Average wages
- Employees and their average gross monthly wages according to regions - statistics of CSO >>
- Average gross wages of employees according to CZ-NACE (classification of earning activities) sectors in the Karlovy Vary Region – statistics of CSO >>
- Average monthly gross wages of employees in selected CZ-NACE (classification of earning activities) sectors according to regions – statistics of CSO >>
- Other data about the population of the Karlovy Vary Region >>
Other statistical information about the region
Downloadable files
Oktober 2018 (47.72 KB, xlsx)
Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor