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Přátelství - Silvestr industrial zone

Town: Sokolov
Population: 24.111
Cadastral area: Tisová u Sokolova (614645)
District: Sokolov
Site area (ha): cca 31.50, of which available:31.50
Ownership Number of owners Ownership interest in % Restriction of ownership rights
Private 1 100% None
Municipal 0 0% None
State 0 0% None
Church 0 0% None
Not determined 0 0% None
Total number of owners 1  

Brief characteristics:

The Přátelství - Silvestr industrial zone is located in the NUTS II territory of Northwest Bohemia and belongs to the administrative Karlovy Vary Region. The nearest cities are Sokolov (24,177 inhabitants), Citice (889 inhabitants) and Dolní Rychnov (1,430 inhabitants). The area totalling 31.5 ha is divided into two independent locations (Přátelství Industrial zone 16 ha, Silvestr Industrial Zone 15.5 ha) and based on the territorial planning documentation it is ready for investors to use it primarily for industrial production, wholesale warehouses and construction industry. The territory lies southwest of Sokolov and comprises part of the industrial area of Dolní Rychnov. The southwest tip of the Přátelství zone is connected with the Tisová power plant. The Silvestr zone is a reclaimed burrow of the former Silvestr coalmine. Approx. 3 km away express road R/6 can be reached. Moreover, the railroad track stretching from Cheb and Chomutov runs nearby while the Přátelství - Silvestr complex is provided with fully serviceable railroad sidings. The site is equipped with a 6 and 22 kV transmission network. Heat can be supplied from the Tisová – Sokolov steam pipeline (10 MW) that passes along the boundaries of the individual zones. A gas pipeline can be reached either in the south on the premises of the Tisová power plant, or in the north within the complex of the Sokolov Engineering Works (Sokolovske strojírny). The area is provided with a sewerage system, drinking water and service water supply. Furthermore, water can be taken from the nearby Ohře River. Both the Karlovy Vary Region and the City of Sokolov intend to use this property in pursuance of industrial restructuring and to offer it to strategic investors. Emphasis is put on environment-friendly activities.

The City of Sokolov

The City of Sokolov is found in the center of the Sokolov Basin at the foothills of the Krušné Mountains. The area bears nationally significant deposits of brown coal and thus facilitates the generation of power. This makes the Sokolov Region a significant power hub of the national and international transmission systems. The city lies on the international express road R/6 stretching between Nuremburg, Cheb, Sokolov, Karlovy Vary and Praguea and on the intersection of 2nd class roads connecting the towns of Kraslice, Sokolov and Bečov nad Teplou. The regional railroad track between Cheb, Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem also has its importance. The city has a number of secondary schools specializing in engineering and the building industry. Not far from Sokolov are the towns of Královské Poříčí, Habartov, Bukovany, Dolní Rychnov, Staré Sedlo, Svatava, Březová u Sokolova and Loket. These communities provide sufficient human resources and land for residential properties across their entire area. The international airport in Karlovy Vary is only 30 km away.

Labor market

This agglomeration offers most jobs in the power industry that is further divided into the mining of primary sources, which is being gradually phased out (2030), and the processing of resources; i.e. the production and distribution of electricity. The process of local industrial restructuring provides enough qualified workers, especially in the fields of engineering and associated services.

Spatial planning documentation: yes
Spatial planning decision: yes
Investment plans: no
Government aid: no
Ecological burden: no
Civic amenities:

Day care centers, secondary centers, banks, sports grounds in nearby Sokolov

Connection to technical infrastructure networks:

Water mains: yes - drinking and service water supply
Sanitation: yes
Gas line: yes
Power: yes - 6 and 22 kV transmission network
Heat: yes - Tisová steam pipeline - Sokolov (10 MW)
Telecommunication: yes - at the site boundary

Transport infrastructure:

Highway: yes - express road R/6 (3 km)
1st class roads: no
2nd class roads: no
Railroad: yes - Cheb – Chomutov railroad track
Railroad siding: yes - 2 sidings in the Silvestr zone
Airport: yes
Border crossing: no

Construction restrictions:

Flood plains: no
Technical infrastructure protection zone: yes
Highway protection zone: no
Railroad protection zone: no
Airport protection zone: no
Protected landscape area: no
Bio corridor: no

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Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor