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Nové Sedlo industrial zone

Town: Nové Sedlo
Population: 2.606
Cadastral area: Chranišov (653713), Nové Sedlo u Lokte (706680)
District: Sokolov
Site area (ha): cca 7.93, of which available:0.00
Type of locality: engineering infrastructure available
Ownership Number of owners Ownership interest in % Restriction of ownership rights
Private 0 0% None
Municipal 1 100% None
State 0 0% None
Church 0 0% None
Not determined 0 0% None
Total number of owners 1  

Brief characteristics:

The area in concern is situated in the north of the Town of Nové Sedlo stretching along both sides of road II/209 running between Nové Sedlo and Chodov outside the built-up area of the town. To the west, this industrial zone borders an opencast mining plant called Sokolovská uhelna (The Sokolov Coal Mining Company, specifically the Družba mine.); in the east it borders on the railroad track operated by České dráhy (Czech Railroad Company). In the past this territory was devastated by mining activities, which is still evidenced by a mine railroad, residues of buildings, etc. An enlargement of the area is presupposed in the new zoning map proposed.

Site use according to spatial planning documentation: Industrial production, warehouses and storage areas, facility equipment of commercial character
The most suitable anticipated future use of this locality: Craftman´s and industrial facilities, wholesale warehouses, production services
Spatial planning documentation: yes
Spatial planning decision: yes
The area to be built-up: cca 4.76 ha
Gross estimate of investment cost for the use of the site (millions of CZK) : 190.00
The earliest date for possibility of development (year): 2015
Investment plans: no
Government aid: yes
Ecological burden: no

Connection to technical infrastructure networks:

Water mains: yes
Sanitation: yes
Gas line: no - within 1 km
Power: yes - 22 kV on site
Heat: yes - 2x DN 250
Telecommunication: yes

Transport infrastructure:

Highway: yes - D6 - 2 km, D5 - 80 km
1st class roads: yes
2nd class roads: yes - on site
Railroad: yes - Nové Sedlo, within 1 km
Railroad siding: no
Airport: yes - Karlovy Vary, 20 km
Border crossing: no - the nearest one in Pomezí n. Ohří, 40 km

Construction restrictions:

Flood plains: no
Technical infrastructure protection zone: yes
Highway protection zone: no
Railroad protection zone: yes
Airport protection zone: no
Protected landscape area: no
Bio corridor: no

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A map of the locality

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor