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Cheb industrial park

Town: Cheb
Population: 33.187
Cadastral area: Hradiště u Chebu (651021), Dolní Dvory (651052)
District: Cheb
Site area (ha): cca 106.00, of which available:0.00
Ownership Number of owners Ownership interest in % Restriction of ownership rights
Private 1 85% None
Municipal 1 15% None
State 0 0% None
Church 0 0% None
Not determined 0 0% None
Total number of owners 2  

Brief characteristics:

The Cheb industrial park was a Greenfield project. Its overall area is approx. 106 hectares. The property has all the necessary engineering networks, is technically prepared and accessible by roads.

The Cheb industrial park is located east of the City of Cheb (33,000 inhabitants), in the immediate vicinity of the express road R/6, only 6 kilometres from the border crossing with Germany Svatý Kříž/Waldsassen, 8 kilometres from the border crossing Pomezí/Schirnding, 8 km from the border crossing Vojtanov/Schönberg and 16 km from the border crossing Aš/Selb.

The property which is owned by the City of Cheb is intended for the location of production facilities, logistic centers and trade or service centers. Production facilities must not present a significant environmental burden. Investors ensuring production activities with higher value added are preferred. The town has been preparing other locations for investors. It is recommended to verify the current information at the given contact.  

The zone is occupied by 18 entities. The most significant are the following companies: Playmobil CZ spol. s r.o., TUP BOHEMIA s.r.o., HF Czechforge s.r.o., apt Cheb s.r.o., SCHNEEBERGER s.r.o., JSP International and Tchibo.

Site use according to spatial planning documentation: production and storage
Spatial planning documentation: yes
Spatial planning decision: yes
Investment plans: no
Government aid: no
Ecological burden: no
Civic amenities:

Day care centers, elementary and high schools, sports grounds in nearby Cheb

Connection to technical infrastructure networks:

Water mains: yes - 100 mm line; 63 mm service lines
Sanitation: yes - separated sewer: 400 mm soil pipe, 1200 mm storm water sewer
Gas line: yes - natural gas: medium-pressure line - 110 mm, capacity: 5,000 m3/h
Power: yes - high voltage 22 kV/5 MW, low voltage 0.4 kV, 2 transformer sub-s
Heat: yes - optional connection to central heat supply
Telecommunication: yes - optical cables, wi-fi

Transport infrastructure:

Highway: yes - road R/6 (E48), exit 164
1st class roads: no
2nd class roads: yes - II/606
Railroad: yes - railroad station in Cheb
Railroad siding: no
Airport: yes - domestic airport Cheb (2 km), international airports Karlovy Vary (50 km), Hof (50 km)
Border crossing: yes - Pomezí, Svatý Kříž, Vojtanov, Aš

Construction restrictions:

Flood plains: no
Technical infrastructure protection zone: yes - only local technical infrastructure, overhead power line 22 kV
Highway protection zone: no
Railroad protection zone: no
Airport protection zone: yes - height of buildings limited
Protected landscape area: no
Bio corridor: no

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Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region

Investment Opportunities in the Karlovy Vary Region
Karlovarská agentura rozvoje podnikání, p. o.
The Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary Region (KARP)
Závodní 278,
360 18 Karlovy Vary
Podnikatelský inkubátor KANOV, 4nd floor